Our Consultation Services
Consultations are a great way to get to know our training staff, check in with your trainer, ask questions and so much more! Our staff will be available to you one on one during your consultation to work with you, your family, your dog and your situation! It is a great time to pick your trainer's brain! Whether you are a new client or currently training with us, brining a list of questions is a GREAT way to make sure you cover everything with your trainer! If you are meeting due to negative or inappropriate behaviors, if possible, bring video of the behavior so we can see what it actually looks like!**
**SAFETY is the #1 priority. If you cannot get video safely, please refrain from doing so. This is not required for the consultation.
Please bring your dog with you to the consultation, as well as any family members that will be working with the dog consistently throughout the process! Although we encourage children to be an active part of the training process, the consultation time is a vital time to create training plans and goals together. Please make sure that children are able to sit for the entirety of the session or they bring something to entertain themselves.