Are you a new training client with us? Each new client relationship starts with a consultation! Click the button to schedule yours now or call 904-203-7314!
Our Philosophy:
What does "Train Hard, Love Harder" mean? Dog Training is all about balance! Training sessions are great... but if there isn't any love, why should your dog work for you? TRAIN HARD means to be committed, be dedicated and be ready to work with your canine companion to get results. LOVE HARDER means to balance that drive with a confident, happy and meaningful relationship with your dog! By focusing on positive associations and interactions, balanced behavior and confidence building in both owner and dog... we truly can get you where you need to be!

Meet the Trainers!
Tasley- Head Trainer & AKC Evaluator

Although Tasley has been training most of her life, you can tell she loves what she does! With focusing on Behavior Modification, Tasley enjoys the challenge of different, unique and "hard" cases. She works hand in hand with her training staff to find the newest and most innovative approaches to a natually calm and happy dog! With a passion for rescue and service work, Tasley loves watching her clients succeed and growing dog and handler into confident pairings!
Tasley is certified to teach and evaluate for certificates such as AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy, Canine Good Citizen, Urban Canine, Community Canine, Trick Dog and a few others!
Our Services:
We offer a range of different services to meet the needs of your lifestyle, training goals and budget! With everything from Monthly Subscription Packages for private lessons to financing for Board & Train Programs, we help you reach your aspirations without draining your pocket book! See our list of Services below and click on each for more information!
Our Services include:
Group Training Classes- (AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy, Small Breed/Large Breed, Advanced Obedience) This is a great option for folks who are looking for Obedience classes in a group setting.
Private Lessons at Homemade Hounds- Private Lessons are our most popular option for those who have particular training goals in mind and are also budget conscience. Our trainers focus on you and your dog in a one on one session.
Private Lessons in your home- In Home Private Lessons are optimal for those who would like the convenience of private lessons in the comfort of their own home. Our Training Staff travels to our client's home to work one on one.
Board & Train Program- Our Board & Train Program is a great kick start program for those who would like Homemade Hounds Training Staff to help set behavior or obedience imprinting.
& AKC Evaluator

Two words describe Ashley... knowledgeable and FUN! She is known for her great phone voice, bubbly personality and a smile that shines through everything! She loves to teach Obedience and watch her students succeed! Don't let her young looks fool you... she has one of the most progressive minds of the training staff! With a passion for learning everything she can, Ashley is sure to change the world of dog training for the better!
Ashley is certified to teach and evaluate for certificates such as AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy, Canine Good Citizen, Urban Canine, Community Canine, Trick Dog and a few others!
& AKC Evaluator

Big or small.. Alison loves them ALL! If you asked her where her heart lies... she would tell you it is with the Bully Breeds! Alison's passion for anything that walks, talks or looks like a bully breed is evident in all she does! She is fantastic with kids and loves to run our children's training programs including Kids Kamps. She also enjoys working with our veterans and special needs clients. Alison is always ready with a hug and a funny story to help you build confidence and enjoy your training session with her!
Alison is certified to teach and evaluate for certificates such as AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy, Canine Good Citizen, Urban Canine, Community Canine, Trick Dog and a few others!
1. What should I do if my dog is acting aggressively?
A- GET SAFE! The VERY FIRST order of business is to get your family, kids, dogs and self safe! Aggressive behavior can be harmful and getting yourself safe is #1 priority! If you can, crate or kennel the dog that is acting aggressively or call your local Animal Control (if the dog is a stray). Once the dog is crated and everyone is safe, assess/treat any wounds by seeing your doctor or veterinarian (if applicable). Then call us at (904) 203-7314 so that we may help you further!
2. Why is a consultation important?
A- Consultations are a great way to sit down and talk through services, meet the dog, talk about training goals, assess personalities, gauge challenges and create training plans! We require all new clients to have a consultation with us so that you can meet the staff and make sure we are a good fit for you!
3. What should I expect and what should I bring to my consultation?
A- Constultations are a great way for us to get to know each other. Having a list of questions ready is a great way to make sure you cover everything! If your dog is acting aggressively, any videos, pictures or journaling of the behaviors is a great thing to bring as well! The more information we have, the better!
All members of the dog's family that will be working with the dog should be present for the consultation. Although we encourage children to be an active part of the training process, sometimes consultations may not always be the most productive if children are bored or not able to sit through the session. So use discretion when dealing with little ones!
4. Does my dog need to be leashed? What about muzzled if aggressive?
A- EVERY dog that comes on property MUST have a proper fitting leash and collar on and used at all times.
Dogs coming in for Aggressive Dog Consultations should be taken on a case by case basis. Our staff will talk you through if we feel like a muzzle would be helpful or not. Please consult training staff if you have questions regarding muzzling your dog.